Posters | a Journey in Typography
Posters designed as a tribute to some of the worlds greatest typeface creators.
Posters | a Journey in Typography
Experimental typographic posters on some of the worlds most renowned fonts. Complete with quotations, facts and history of each. Enjoy!
Experimental typographic posters on some of the worlds most renowned fonts. Complete with quotations, facts and history of each. Enjoy!
I've always been interested in the way clean typography can light up an entire page. And often we can tribute this effect to those who most people will never get to know. The creative minds behind the typefaces. Regretfully most of the world probably still think of Comic Sans as typeface for all purposes... Of course these are the same people that keep pushing for the need to use MS office to present everything... Needless to say, those people will never be the ones that will inspire us to push through the night to make a deadline. Today, I know where to search for inspiration when I need it, and to pay tribute, and to give credit where credit is due.